
Dundi light participate in May 8-11, 2023 GETshow Guangzhou Entertainment Technology Show
2019 GET SHOW, Dundi takes you to experience the visual shock!
DunDi light lighting equipment Frankfurt successful exhibition! Events wonderful review!
DunDi light Guangzhou International Car Show using LED Car show light
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LED full color studio TV film panel light -
CCT tuneable studio TV film panel light -
CCT tuneable studio TV film panel light(C) -
CCT tuneable studio TV film panel light(B) -
Single color studio TV film panel light -
LED full color studio TV film spotlight -
CCT tuneable studio TV film spotlight -
Single color studio TV film spot light -
LED full color zoom profile light -
LED full color fixed angle profile light -
CCT tuneable fixed angle profile light -
CCT tuneable zoom profile light -
Single color zoom profile light -
Single color fixed angle profile light -
LED 1000W follow spot light